Ok, so I guess the best motivator isn’t just putting myself behind in the challenge, like many of you, I am struggling with the mindset and the willpower it is going to take to get this done.
So, what’s the answer? David Goggins is the answer! If any of you know David, please tag this in a message to him, I want to make contact and see if he will be my personal motivator — I cannot get enough of his social media posts where he yells at people!
This makes sense, I have always been more inclined to listen to negative coaching. It all started with my dad, he would talk to me after every game I played, even when I was 10, telling me about all of my mistakes. When my mom would tell him to stop, and tell me what I did right, he would answer, ‘he knows what he did right, everyone tells him that he is good and that he scored a goal or a touchdown, he needs to know to fix what he did wrong.’
So that led to accepting harsh criticism pretty well. Not sure I had much of an option though, it was the 80s and it seemed every coach I had preferred that method of instruction anyway. Soccer, football, basketball — didn’t matter — all of my coaches yelled and screamed and demeaned me (all of us), it was the way that coaching was done back then.
So let’s go coach Goggins! Get in here with me, get in this bunker and help a fat man out! Why? Join the Patients First team, let’s get your message around your book, Can’t Hurt Me, to focus on people in this country taking control of healthcare again!
Or how about this Goggins — if I get down the 60 lbs. as the bet is constructed today, you will meet with me to work out one day and discuss Patients First Foundation. Sound good?
Let’s go people, let’s make this happen. Let’s get hard, let’s not allow the monopolies in healthcare to hurt us, and let’s start defending our natural born rights today, pound by pound — taking control of this healthcare system through action!
Thanks for your time today, keep an eye out for posts coming soon, there are some big things in the works that we are very excited about as a team. I cannot wait to hear your feedback as we continue to implement real action for patients by patients!
Until next time…