The Gorilla part of me is mad, it seems like my time being Fat & Happy has come to an end, it was one helluva run, I gotta say. It’s been a bit since my near death experience and my, ‘I need time to catch my breath, period, and the holiday season is over — so it is FINALLY time! Time to lose weight and get back to being what I’ve always been, an athlete and a man of personal accountability.
Why? Because my friends, my kids and my business partners told me it’s time. That means something, when others close to you feel compelled to tell you this truth, you need to listen. When people love you enough to tell you the thing you NEED instead of what you WANT to hear, it hits differently.
Either way, I’m finally sick of my own excuses and I’m finally sick of being sick. It’s time to start — AND — my business partner Sean and an advisor to Patients First, bet me that if I lose 60 pounds in the next 90 days he would donate $10,000 to the foundation!
SO IT IS TIME! It is time for EVERYONE to get involved! You all need to dig deep and pony up alongside Sean, and I’ll prove to Sean and to all that losing weight and being healthy is a choice and a state of mind, it is not hard and it is not ‘genetic’ to be out of shape. Enough people have proven that massive transformation is attainable, but you have to realize that the drastic measures that got you out of shape need to be countered by the same level of drastic action to get back to normal health.
I accept Sean’s bet and as I start today, February 1st I will lose 60lbs on or before May 2nd, 90 days out! I weighed in last night at 297.2 lbs. and will continue to weigh in every morning, documenting all of this through my Instagram, PFF_Patient_Zero. Please join me in the hilarity to follow, I’m sure my friends and colleagues will enjoy this immensely.
So join me on this adventure, it may be fun to watch my transformation, but I’m more excited to watch YOURS! That’s right, who wants to join me? Maybe we can get some big donors, like your corporate employers, to donate $1 for every 1 lb. lost? Can we get all patients nationally involved? What if we made this a 2025 project — transforming healthcare one person at a time?
Join me, not in a weight transformation, but in a healthcare revolution! Let’s get off the drugs, off the alcohol and back engaged with nature, with each other and with life!
Until next time…