Weighed in 2-2-25 at 9am at 292.2
The thing about being obese is that it is really easy to lose weight. It’s also very easy to gain weight. Over the past few years I have seen my weight go up or down 10 lbs. over a weekend, once your body is ‘out of control’ you lose all normal when it comes to controlling your weight.
This is the reason I’m fasting, you have to get past 21 days in order for things to reset. The good thing is this, great things start to happen after 3 days of water fasting, tremendous things happen after 5 days. On day 6 I’ll introduce detoxing, which allows me to have salt, lemon juice and some syrup. This syrup will give me about 500 calories a day, more if needed, but not more than 1000 calories.
Detoxing in this manner is known as the Master Cleanse, which I’ve done in the past and loved. It was how I fasted for 25 days, as I mentioned in an earlier post, getting past day 7 is the key. After that, all of your emotional and mental ties to eating 3 times a day fall off and you accept the process of drinking your detox cocktail 3-5-7 times a day.
It’s interesting to see just how much time we waste as people eating. Driving to the restaurant or grocery store, then sitting there to eat, or cooking at the house, no matter which option, you probably spend 2-3 hours a day ‘in the eating process.’ It is truly odd to see how you can survive and even thrive investing only 10 minutes a day ‘eating’.
Transformation is not weight loss, it’s an athletic endeavor. It takes will power, accountability, drive, mental toughness and self motivation. It takes me back to all of the days I spent on the field of battle, playing sports through high school and college and all of the personal training needed to get to that game day. I cannot remember how many people told me that I was lucky to be good and score big goals and lead teams to championships, all dismissing the hundreds of hours I put in to build that muscle memory, to ensure that when the time called for it, I was ready to perform and capable to deliver.
That’s sports, but it’s also weight loss, and it’s also life. Being out of shape shows a lack of discipline and a lack of self control, neither of which deliver success in sports or in life. That’s why this is not a weight loss challenge, it is a life choice discussion and realignment to building an optimal lifestyle to fit your goals and objectives.
Until next time...