So I weighed in last night at 10 pm because I wanted to start tracking the ‘official start’ of my process. I am kicking this 90 day challenge off today with coffee this morning and some soup during the day, and will begin a 5 day water fast tomorrow on the 2nd, so big things should come soon but as always there will be some pain.
Like any fat person, I had to have one last hoorah, so I made sure to have some of the old favorites one last time before kicking off 90 days of ‘reorganizing’ my physical body, but also my mental and emotional life.
I have fasted in the past and I can tell you, it is much more than a physical thing, it truly hits you mentally and emotionally as well. My longest fast to date is 25 days. During this challenge I am going to try to fast for the first 45 days, with nothing more than water and certain detoxes that I will present at the time I start them. The goal is to give my body a full rest and reset, allowing it to take a break from all that digesting work I’ve asked it to do these past few years!
I am not a doctor and I am not giving anyone any health advice, so please have fun watching this process but don’t go replicating it and hurting yourself. To be honest, most of my physician friends think my method is too drastic and tell me to focus on taking 2-3 lbs off per week, like everyone else does. I’m just not built that way, I’m more of a ‘in for a penny, in for a pound’ type of guy, which correlates to this effort nicely!
After 45 days of fasting I believe I’ll switch over to juicing, taking all calories as juiced fruits and vegetables. The goal will be to do this until the end of the 90 day challenge. Along the way I will be taking supplements like Creatine, Amino Acids and other vitamins and minerals, all will be clearly indicated as I may call this the Beast Mode Protocol, maybe we can build a national phenomenon like Andy Frisella did with his program, 75 Hard, why not, right?
In the end Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best, “Without ambition one starts nothing. Without work one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to you. You have to win it.” Well it’s time to win, and as I speak for myself, I hope you’ll join me and speak for yourself — let us speak as a Patients First contingent, and if we speak loud enough maybe we can speak as a nation. A nation that is finished with excuses for poor health, a nation finished with paying Trillions of Dollars for a ‘sick care’ system that does not serve us, a nation of people looking to serve one another, support one another and deliver for one another a better system than the one we have allowed to be built to date.
Until next time…(yes I want a cookie)