Introducing Patients First Foundation & Patient Zero
Steve Carbonara
For far too long, the healthcare system has been guided by corporate priorities, what we call ‘institutional first’ healthcare, while patients have faced limited access to timely, affordable care. The Patients First Foundation is being launched because it is time to shift control back to patients, putting their well-being at the center of every decision, and ending corporate ownership of our health.
I’m Steve Carbonara and I am going to be sharing my personal health journey over these past 5 decades in order to shed a light on what is wrong with our system, both from a patient and healthcare technology insider point of view. I will be posting a 3-part blog post this next week in my role as Patient Zero, I will be telling my entire healthcare experience. Like many of you, I have been complaining for years about my experience, and now it is time to use these experiences to define, develop and drive solutions.
I am looking for the next One Million Patient Stories from all of you, so that we can prove how common these issues are, while learning which are the most costly or deadly issues we need to solve first, while we begin to build a process to hold every stakeholder accountable for their actions moving forward. If you want to share a story with us please use this link.
I am also looking for other healthcare professionals, like me you have stories about the waste, fraud and abuse across every sector of the healthcare industry. Please Share Your ‘Insider’ Stories so that others can begin to understand what we are up against with this corporate tyranny over healthcare. If you want to share a story with us please use this link.
My team and I are building a national collaborative of patients, and a movement to empower individuals to manage their health, make informed choices, and advocate for policies that genuinely support patient wellness. This is a call to action for every patient, physician, nurse, caregiver, healthcare professional and advocate—to join us in building a patient-led system that prioritizes health over profits.
Thank you for your time here today, I appreciate you spending 10 minutes with me and letting me introduce you to this foundation and our team, we all appreciate your consideration. Consideration of telling us your story, or becoming a member, or partnering your company to the foundation - all we can ask is that you consider how you can make an impact and help your fellow patients and those that you are a caretaker for today, or maybe will be in the future.
As always, please contact us with any questions or comments - until next time…